Our Predictive Analytics Software Solutions Help You Take The Right Decision
EzDataMunch predictive analytics software provides our customers a simple way to answer complex and difficult questions. Every organization would like to optimize their resources and focus on activities that drive growth and revenue. The customer focused companies have a lot to gain if they can predict how they can sell more to the existing customers, how they can find new customers and what they can sell to them, etc.
With the shortage of data scientists in organizations and people who can work with complex predictive technologies and statistical tools, it becomes the job of the casual business user to analyze data and provide insights. This helps in defining the way forward for the executive management and helps them to take day-to-day decisions and define the future course of the organization.
EzDataMunch predictive analytics solutions come with pre-built knowledge of variables that are critical in such situations based on the industry or the type of data that is being analyzed. We provide advanced predictive analytics software solution that is easy to implement and easy to use. We do the hard work of blending various complex technologies and provide a simple UI solution that can be leveraged by casual business users to discover new insights and predict future outcomes with a click of a button.
Predictive Analytics Examples
Predictive analytics predicts future events using data, aiding decisions in various areas like sales and risk.
A personal loan company was able to identify customers who may be able to default on the loan by looking at the historical information and why customers default. This helped them to turn down loans to those customers and reduce the cost of acquisition and servicing the loans, reduce bad debts and collection costs. Our solution could predict the default or no default rates with a very high amount of probability rates in 90s.
Some of our solutions using predictive modeling are:
Sales Forecasting Using CRM Data
Analyze CRM data for previous quarters and predict the sales coverage for opportunities and probability of sales opportunity conversion and win rates.
GL Account balance forecast
Forecast GL balances based on the actual run rate, previous actuals, current budget or plan and current pace of activities.
Claims forecast
Forecast claims outcome – payment or likely fraud based on the data provided by the customer and previous historical claims filed.
Personal loan defaults
Forecast default rates for personal loans based on historical data, current customer credentials, demographic information and predict the probability of default.
Travel expense fraud analysis
Forecast whether personal expenses have been charged to business, incorrect information, cancelled air flights and missed usage and more.
Campaign performance and revenue forecast
It is crucial for any company to predict the response rates for its digital or other campaigns and see what is the revenue that can be generated to measure the campaign effectiveness and calculate the ROI for each campaign. EzDataMunch predictive analytics software solutions predicts the campaign outcome and ROI and also predicts the revenue the will be generated by the campaign based on the responses received on real-time basis.
Customer Churn
Predicting the customer churn is one of the most difficult aspect of any business. It becomes more difficult when you are into the hospitality business like quick service restaurant or fast food chain or you are a multi-property hotel chain. EzDataMunch predictive analytics solution predicts the customer churn based on hotel nights or visits to the restaurant, survey results, loyalty membership, historical data, demographic information and location analysis.

Benefits of EzDataMunch Predictive Analytics Software Solutions:
- Provide complete and comprehensive solution out of the box – no need to figure out how different technologies and tools work.
- Based on best solutions available in the market today – which means our predictive analytics solutions are cutting edge and can manage any data set including big data.
- Proven industry specific solutions – insurance, retail, logistics, finance, digital campaigns, law enforcements and more.
- Horizontal solutions around spend optimization, Sales forecast, financial forecasts, labor costs and customer churn.
- Subscription based model – allows customers to try and see the benefits instead of investing thousands of dollars upfront.
- Extensible predictive analytics solution – work with multiple data sources – on-premise, cloud, third party, structured and unstructured data sets.
- Scenario based models – users can drive the scenarios to arrive at the most optimum model. Users can dynamically change the parameters and value constraints to simulate various scenarios.
- Low cost, faster to implement and no technical skills needed!

Predictive Analytics Using “R”
R is the most widely used Statistic programming language in the world. More than 70% of data scientists use R for building their statistical analysis and predictive models to analyze data.
EzDataMunch has been using R and other predictive technologies like “Rattle for R”, “Watson Analytics” and SAS in some of its solutions and applications to provide predictive analytics software and solutions to business users without involving them into technical details.
Let’s Get Started
Drive business success by analyzing, exploring, and effortlessly sharing insights with EzDataMunch!
Take your business to new heights with EzDataMunch. Dive into data, explore insights, and share them easily. EzDataMunch makes it easy to grow your business. You don’t have to worry about complicated analysis. Just concentrate on moving your business forward, and EzDataMunch will handle the rest.