
Many companies are using EzDataMunch to reduce cost, improve supply-chain processes, ensure timely delivery, track vehicle performance and keep customers happy.

Our transportation business intelligence dashboards help companies to better analyze their performance by giving real-time information of all the mission critical metrics. This information can help in mitigating cost per mile, enhance on-time pick up and delivery, improve route planning, appropriate freight payments, and scheduling shipments. All this with just a click.

Transportation Analytics

Logistics companies generate tremendous quantity of data. This data is generated by the adoption of technologies such as transportation management solutions (TMS), supply chain execution systems and warehouse management systems (WMS). Having access to data is the key to success however, transforming the data into decision is a challenge.

  • Companies have realized the importance of having a transportation analytics tool.
  • Many say it’s a must to have software as it’s the highest-ranked functionality requested by customers according to a study done by a leading transportation management solution (TMS) provider.

Supply Chain Analytics

Evaluate suppliers, performance & control cost.

Transport Analytics

Mitigating cost per mile, enhance on-time pick up and delivery.

Marketing Analytics

Enhance marketing campaigns and improve ROI.


Identify root cause of gaps and take corrective actions.

Assistant Controller

We were looking for a smarter financial analysis solution. We provided few data samples and within 6 days we could see a very exhaustive dashboard with our KPIs well laid down using EzDataMunch Finance Dashboard Playbook for hotel chains.

Watch our webinar video: Analytics Best Practices for Measuring Restaurant Performance.

Simplify your decision-making with actionable insights