If you have learned many programming languages but not settled in your career, QlikView can definitely boost your career. As a QlikView Developer, I would like to share my thoughts here.

QlikView is growing rapidly. With over 30,000 customers, demand for skilled QlikView Developer’s is higher than ever before! QlikView is the only in-memory tool with ETL engine to transform data from various data sources.

The good news is that to become a QlikView Developer you don’t need a PhD in statistics to crack the data visualization code.

The Six main Pre-requisites to become a Quality QlikView Developer:

  • Basic knowledge of SQL
  • Data Understanding
  • Understanding the Business
  • Knowledge of data model
  • Layout Designing
  • Practice & Hard work

Six Rules Quality QlikView Developer

1. Basic knowledge of SQL

No prior programming experience is needed other than basic understanding of SQL, and VB Script, if you require macros or advanced automation. Good SQL Knowledge will get you through the Load Script and Joins. Most companies store their data in databases and you need to understand SQL querying/programming to extract the data.

Ability to read & write SQL queries is a good skill for any QlikView Developer. Good Excel Skills will also help with expression building for charts. The Excel Skills will help to work with lookup functions, String function and Pivot tables in QlikView.

2. Knowledge of Data Model

Data model is the heart of the QlikView Application. Having good understanding of Data Model building techniques is big plus to become a Quality QlikView Developer. Once you have a better idea of how you plan to use the data, and what information is important, it will help you in designing your Data Model.

We should know about Table Structure viz., what is the fact table and what is the dimension table, and also whether we are aware of the linking between the tables and fields.

3. Data Understanding

Information can be visualized in a number of ways, each of which can provide a specific insight. When you start to work with your data, it is important to identify and understand the story you are trying to tell, and the relationship you are looking to show.

Knowing this information will help you select the proper visualization to best deliver your message. QlikView Developer should also be good in Data Visualization.

When analysing data, search for patterns or interesting insights that can be a good starting point for finding your story. Your data is only as good as your ability to understand and communicate it effectively, which is the core focus of the developer.

4. Understanding the Business

For a QlikView dashboard to be of maximum use to a business, it should present insights from every area of that business. This requires the QlikView Developer to have a real understanding of the business and the processes that make it happen. Not only solving problems and designing functionality, it is very important to know the data you are going to deal with.

It is very easy to start development just thinking about the tables, columns and rows, however, you will soon hit the brick wall, just after finishing the scripting. Understanding business data rules is a critical aspect to calculate KPI’s and measures. Last thing you want is a good looking application with jaw-dropping functionality, but not answering any business questions.

As a Developer, we all get excited solving problems and designing functionality, but it is very important to understand the business data for successful QlikView application.

5. Layout Designing

Please be aware about great aesthetics that are required to design effective and efficient dashboards, and set analysis. They really simplify the dashboards. If we understand the business requirements, then we can easily create a very attractive dashboard.

6. Practice and Hard work

The only way to attain success is through practice and hard work.

I am listing some of the most useful resources below:

  • Qlik Community:

Create your ID to become a part of Qlik Community. It is a QlikView global online community. Communities help you a lot while learning, can help get answers to your questions, and provides simplified description for complex topics by bloggers. It has discussion forums, blogs and resource library. This is the best place for a QlikView Developer to learn many advanced topics.

  • Blogs:

Qlikview blogs also very helpful to learn all basic and advanced topics. There are many blogs having good presence, for example Analyticsvidhya.com, quickintelligence.co.uk, Qlikfix.com.

  • QlikView Facebook Groups:

Facebook has some excellent groups to ask questions and connect with other Qlikview professionals. Below are lists of some Groups:

  • QlikView Tips,
  • QlikView Enthusiast,
  • QlikView Professionals
  • Help Menu in QlikView:

This is the best place to find the answers for all the QlikView questions and a best place to learn about many QlikView functions.

  • Resources:

I would strongly recommend you to read “QlikView 11 for Developers” and “QlikView Reference Manual”.

  • YouTube Demos:

When creating a QlikView application, there are many best practices to keep in mind like Design and user experience, Data Visualization, etc. So check the demos if you are in a hurry. But if you have the time, try reading books and websites about these topics.


What are the essential skills needed to become a quality QlikView developer?

To excel in QlikView development, you need a strong understanding of data modeling, SQL, ETL processes, and the ability to create intuitive and visually appealing dashboards. Additionally, proficiency in QlikView scripting language (QlikView Script) and experience with data visualization best practices are crucial.

How can I improve my QlikView scripting skills?

Practice is key to mastering QlikView scripting. Start by working on sample datasets and gradually move on to more complex scenarios. Utilize online resources such as tutorials, forums, and documentation provided by Qlik to deepen your understanding. Additionally, consider joining QlikView communities where you can learn from experienced developers and participate in discussions.

What are some common challenges faced by QlikView developers?

QlikView developers often encounter challenges related to data integration, performance optimization, and maintaining clean and efficient code. Dealing with large datasets efficiently, handling complex transformations, and ensuring scalability are also common challenges. However, with experience and familiarity with best practices, many of these challenges can be overcome.

Is it necessary to have a background in data analysis to become proficient in QlikView development?

While having a background in data analysis can be beneficial, it’s not strictly necessary to become proficient in QlikView development. However, having a basic understanding of data concepts, such as databases, data structures, and statistical analysis, can certainly expedite the learning process and help you create more effective visualizations.

Anupama Desai

President & CEO

Anupama has more than 23 years of experience as business leader and as an advocate for improving the life of the business users. Anupama has been very active in bringing business perspective in the technology enabled world. Her passion is to leverage information and data insights for better business performance by empowering people within the organization. Currently, Anupama leads Winnovation to build world class Business Intelligence application platform, and her aim is to provide data insights to each and every person within an organization at lowest possible cost.

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